5 Crazy April Fools Pranks In Neopian History

April Fools never fails to deliver a good laugh. It's a fascinating time when reality is delightfully distorted, rules are playfully bent, and Neopians brace for some harmless mischief.
However, there have been instances when the excitement escalated a bit too far, resulting in some pretty unexpected outcomes. And with that, let's look at these five outrageous April Fools' Day moments that have left an indelible mark on Neopia's history.
The Neopets That Never Were (2005)
In 2005, the staff pulled off an epic April Fools’ Day prank that left us bouncing with excitement. They announced 50 new Neopet species, each with unique designs that had everyone's imaginations running wild. Sadly, it turned out to be one massive, playful trick. Donna explained that those were actually old pets that didn't quite make the cut. While the disappointment was real, something positive did emerge from the situation. The community was given the opportunity to vote for a new pet from the designs, and voila! Gnorbu won and made its debut later that year. Moreover, some of the designs even became PetPets that we all grew to love.
Friendly Fire (2010)
Being bamboozled by TNT is one thing, but getting pranked by our own Neofriends? That’s a curveball that caught many of us off guard! This was exactly what happened during April Fools of 2010. The staff had given everyone the power to play tricks on their unsuspecting friends. For one, you could transform others' pets into a pile of soot, making it seem like they had been zapped, or spontaneously change their pets' colour. We also virtually threw pies in the faces of each other's Neopets, creating a mess that was displayed in their customizations. TNT even filtered some words to prevent Neoboarders from spoiling the fun. Fortunately, the victims were rewarded with an "I Love Pie Background" to serve as a reminder of the memorable moments created on that unforgettable day.
The Scourgies Outbreak (2011)
Imagine your pets getting sick. That's the nightmare Neopians woke up to when a mysterious disease afflicted their beloved Neopets in 2013. This ailment, later identified as Scourgies, covered pets with nasty pink and black blobs. April Fool's Day, typically a time for laughter, became a day of worry and concern. Luckily, a solution was discovered that afternoon. You could administer a remedy by letting your ill pets wear one of these items: Blazingly Hot Soup, Freezing Cold Ice Pack, Haphazardly Placed Splints, Indistinguishable Healing Goop, or magical Healing Slorgs. In the end, all's well that ends well. Nevertheless, this outbreak has earned its spot on one of the most surprising April Fool's events in Neopia.
Jumpstart Takeover (2015)
Let's talk about what happened in 2015, a year after Jumpstart acquired Neopets. Naturally, the community was concerned that Jumpstart might mess up our beloved site, and guess what? We were kind of right, but just for a day. It all began with a whole new JumpStart-ified site theme. Complaints about eye strain caused by the blue-on-red colour scheme soon flooded the Neoboards. This was only the beginning of the mayhem. Banner ads were replaced with promotions for Jumpstart games, the NC Mall shopkeepers were substituted with Jumpstart characters, and even the Map of Neopia underwent a complete transformation! Thankfully, the real Neopets site was just hidden beneath those new features. You gotta hand it to the team, though. It was a good scare and hilarious way to remind us how much we love our original Neopets world.
Neo-Apocalypse (2012)
Ah, the infamous year of 2012 when the world was predicted to end, and Neopia decided to join the chaos. The day began with the Shop Wizard, our trusty guide for finding items, being too sick to perform his duties. And if that weren't enough, the Island Faerie, our beloved trading post NPC, unexpectedly went on leave and left Hoka, a Tyrannian Kacheek known for mixing up orders, in her place. Even the Auction House was flooded with piles of dung! But the "fun" didn't end there. Several other features, including the Laboratory and the Pound, were all in disarray. It felt as though the entire site was throwing a tantrum. And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Neopians were bombarded with a chain of spam Neomails. It was no doubt the cherry on top that tested everyone’s patience on this absurd and frustrating day!
That's a wrap for our list of iconic moments! If you happen to remember any more epic Neopets shenanigans, don't hesitate to share them with us. With Neopia still going strong, we better buckle up for more mind-boggling April Fools’ Day pranks in the future. Long live Neopia!!!