Congratulations to Our 300 NeoHood Giveaway Winners!

Congratulations to Our 300 NeoHood Giveaway Winners!
Hey there, fellow Neopians!
The NeoHoods Giveaway has officially ended, and the moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. We're absolutely thrilled to congratulate not just one, not two, but a whopping 300 lucky winners of exclusive NeoHoods! Come and see if you’ve made the list! Please note that the prize will be distributed within two months.
Now, without further ado, we present the fantastic roster of NeoHood winners below:
Group 1 Winners
- draco_malfoy018
- aeallen
- mandypandy667
- driabob
- septemberflora
- webkinz1999
- blindingsilence
- melieworm
- adoption_wuvver
- 99lewisa
- cuppiecakepony
- thekandyangel
- atticae
- aunalisaams
- yuixe
- b_is_4_bridget
- mikomars
- beccad3e243
- ohsnapitsben
- koriami
- ok886
- maxlolll
- cheesecakey_
- carlitocarcino666
- kidneyvillage
- lavenderchicory
- chelsi889
- zaccely
- salemophelia
- neosupermariofreak
- gamergirl1989
- corinne890
- kiwichampion
- crsawinton
- claire_h12
- devynwonder
- debbie1188
- rawr_ima_tortoise
- cacara3
- dariganey
- feniae
- cerpin
- ellierie
- blooberriesbloo
- baby_cheetah450
- ruthlesskitten
- cold_punk
- myncilover131
- anjilbabey
- fidomaud
- cabbil_bane
- retro_bombb
- slayergirl_63
- marithdragon
- redshinigami
- ginri27
- habonia
- neonut232
- mrsxxrupertxxgrint
- coolporygon137
- welikedots
- agedbeauty
- laurensygrrl12345
- shane_west_1
- destinyisbright
- lnghrns2004
- janice_theep
- greenj12356
- daehyunnie
- peppermint_princess_
- crushtastic
- ruonfire
- illegalangelx
- kat44529
- nkittik
- jennsjoe
- ladyvitasn
- kristen_nicole
- nostalgiah
- fluoxitine
- shimmerpowder
- relaga
- plaidchameleon
- jessemccartneyfan89
- zomg_its_lc
- cassanthia
- 3uph0ry
- _monchii_
- majeline
- honestgirl888
- marblesway
- travel74147
- iceddd
- girl_undre_seige
- goldenchaos
- mia_hollow
- unfreeze_jexruyah
- wavent
- ohappyfaced
- edgevvorth
- zepinky
- tudorrose1558
- clorox
- vesus10
- yardthecat
- dancingjellyblumaroo
- passionflower02
- americaonbrooms
- pinkmink89
- auntyviral
- xxperfectdayxx
- sqwigglie
- juggaladada
- strawbabyjam
- darthmagic
- sethdv7
- pokewomon
- malibufox
- sheeranonymous
- fauxlennon
- smartie14724
- nsynclover_qt92
- rosenrot_oh_rosenrot
- spongebob1353012
- squig62
- sweety7268
- harpeggio
- xerethiel_synstar
- neopian_songbird
- tehuber
- krawkacheek
- sirflopsy
- litafan2771
- cheer_bear_2005
- dude12345_7
- sweets111389
- totodice
- babydoll_101
- faerie_bunbuns
- trineleader
- trowa003
- traveltoromantis
- soapfanatic23s
- voltarr
- watershipknl
- swirligames
- daeles
- xgillian89x
- boulevard
- bbybnny
Group 2 Winners
- b4byc4t
- theladyminka
- ohyeahallison
- jake_janko
- gymbrat2010
- sin_hui_ryoma
- desperate_ary
- ashleybunnie
- astrakat
- manmancar
- audiewolf1
- cyberpuppy33
- glassc0ffin
- aquareg1a
- littlenoodle18
- calxco
- scatterbrainxx
- _cabrini
- tainteddestiny
- celestialvocalist
- klutzygirl1
- arwen_ada
- xanxer
- lukeskywalkerscrush
- dovestrodor
- maddy_1234567
- jdjj1
- videl_girl
- lizard484
- mundaaa
- flutt3rbys89
- mavegibson
- grandcypher
- shimmermejimmers
- salem_822
- saturninesuz
- labehx3
- bigsips
- sagish_jr
- dkeeperr1983
- xvjocxelyn
- darkangeljls85
- fastlane250
- sukunaxoxo
- supre_drake
- karisa44
- kaatyyx
- nerdyjoenotincluded
- troubledangel01
- modacephalopoda
- mwilqi
- phanpie
- sunshinegoddess1989
- donuba
- otulissa_noctowl
- lyndsijohnson
- lunashinek9
- new_perspective
- frogsbeanz
- chasingsheep
- zmartygirl
- piculim
- luckygoldenoranges
- gothqueen67
- brynchilla
- eggbuneggegg
- cosmic_babe_1
- monicanicole80
- noudo_noar
- tigergal33358
- ouellet1995
- crelegant
- allie73a
- peytonjoy2
- xlanicy
- thedarkblade148
- rotmode
- sforsoccer14
- norwester
- x_fritz
- cheesenibblets44
- aoi_inuzukama
- 1shelbyzeke1
- valiantvanner
- _notthesun
- sailorcupid
- waiting_to_fly
- silly_mistake
- sunnshinegrrl
- star__searcher
- tayamarie_123
- raparyjo2
- sugaredsnowball
- kaitie_elizabeth1014
- jjeoreos
- bearxing
- rinilenoxx
- wlyteth
- redemptless
- prplfaerie68
Group 3 Winners
- kohaku777
- coffinmighmouth
- doudle549
- aliyahhh3
- grizzlybeard94
- chapstick_addict
- geneva_switzerland
- hoos_woof
- jiggiies
- lebzeit
- savannahrayelee
- waddling_ducks
- angelac
- netherrealms
- caylaboezi
- jermina77
- puppy_anna
- hellsonlyrose
- mypetduck860
- colour276
- arolia
- juniiiiii
- ferretboy85
- lunatic_muncher
- zazamcbell
- faith_lovehope
- grieverx13
- togeprincess
- bluebirbizzyla
- steampunkizm
- lalinhamarx
- tabery_fox
- wiredbull
- aramjs
- pancake_princess601
- shingray
- junkrats
- rachellebanana
- zakdont
- sebastiandarke
- unicorn_sd
- neofriend2546
- brookexashleyy
- flyingcam
- flannelraptors
- jaro_ruiz
- rikarie
- jerkypal
- labyrintha
- _halfofacat_
Again, congratulations to each and every one! Winners, please keep an eye on your email because we’ll be reaching out soon to arrange for the delivery of your prizes. A massive thank you for participating! We can't wait to bring you more exciting events. Whether you're a veteran Neopian or a newbie just starting your adventure, stay tuned for more amazing things in store!